Joana Marie Robel
Joana Marie Robel
Feb 16, 20212 min read

Featured Team Member – Jervie Vitriolo

Meet Jervie Vitriolo, our featured team member for the month of February. He is 33 years old, married, and has an 11-year-old daughter, named Jhella Mire Vitriolo.

How he envisions himself in the future, he replied, “ If I will retire from programming, I want to be a professional filmmaker/director or an entrepreneur.”

Truthfulness, joyfulness, curiosity, responsibility, and love are the core values that he upholds.

Jervie’s interests and hobbies include playing Basketball, Tennis, and watching Netflix.

While his family and dreams are his motivations, “ They keep me going especially during times of uncertainties'', he uttered.

How did he end up in his career?

“Growing up I really love computers, I remember my auntie bought us an Atari 2600 console back in the early 90s, and in 2000 when my uncle went back from Saudi Arabia he bought a Pentium 3 Windows Millennium Edition PC, that’s when I got hooked to computers”, he vividly recalled. He further remembered it was during his high school days that he was convinced to take up Computer Science courses by his other aunt who said it is in demand abroad and that it is cool to be a computer programmer. With this being told, he took up Computer Science and became a software developer eventually.

How did Jervie become part of Dev Partners?

“It was sir Roland who reached out to me on LinkedIn and set me up for technical and client interviews”, he shared.

He described his role in Dev Partners as a developer wherein he directly reports to clients based in Belgium. “We are building a web and mobile application with iOT functionality and provide comprehensive reports to the users”, he explained.

As a Dev Partners member, he said, “ I’m continuously performing my role to the best of my ability to keep a good quality of work to preserve long term relationships with our client.”

The flexibility of the working schedule, the work from home setup, and very approachable and collaborative team and client are what he likes most about his job.

He appreciates how Dev Partners gives back to the community by helping the less fortunate especially during calamities and in this time of the pandemic.

Lastly, Jervie expressed how thankful he is for the Dev Partners management, “They are very easy to approach and very considerate and they are continuously improving their relationship to their contractor by providing benefits like HMO.” He also said that he is indeed fortunate about their clients for being easy and fun to work with even during crunch times.

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