Steven Bustin
Steven Bustin
Apr 4, 20238 min read

How To Hire Top Remote Web Developers in the Philippines This 2023? A Practical Guide

As the global market continues to shift to fully-digital operations, the demand for skilled web developers will continue to grow. In fact, many US IT companies are choosing to outsource their staffing requirements to better maximize their timeline and budgetary requirements.

There are a lot of top destinations to get talented web developers globally. In fact, the Philippines is a popular choice of companies because of its competent and skilled talent pool. These technical skills are perfectly coupled with the Filipinos excellence in communication and dealing with other nationalities.

In addition, the Philippines has a long history of outsourcing both in the service and IT sectors. In fact, various Filipinos are working both as migrant and remote workers for small to large-scale enterprises globally. With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, more Filipinos are geared and inclined to do remote work.

Filipinos are fully prepared to work remotely.

In a recent study by Boston Consulting Group, they asked 208,807 respondents from 190 countries about their work arrangement preferences. 5,000 of the respondents were Filipinos working in commercial industries under the population group 20 to 40 years old. The study showed that Europe emerged as the leading destination for digital transformation followed by the Philippines. Moreover, around 85% of Filipino respondents are in a remote work setting due to the pandemic. This was a far cry from the 52% pre pandemic

What was notable is that Filipinos are more enthusiastic about a remote work setup, ranging to 49% of the total respondents. This shows the orientation and preparedness of Filipinos to embrace a fully remote work setup, most especially in the IT sector. With the burgeoning number of outsourced freelancers in the country, most have their gadgets and laptops ready to take on any remote jobs.

Different Types of Engagement With Remote Web Developers

There are various employment arrangements that remote web developers can engage in. It all depends on the needs and means of the company. Employment can be individual or a team, it all depends on what will be arranged by the organization with the web developers. Below are the different types of work engagement IT companies can consider:

1. Direct hiring

Direct hiring is when a company recruits a remote developer as part of its official employee roster. The hired web developer will enjoy the same benefits and level of compensation as the rest of the employees in the organization, but the only difference is that it will work remotely.

2. Outstaffing

Outstaffing happens when a remote developer is hired by a contractor company working for a particular project in the business (client). The remote developer is hired under the contractor company and is in charge of the compensation, benefits, and resources that the web developer needs. In return, the client will pay the contractor for the services it has rendered for the project.

3. Outsourcing

Meanwhile, outsourcing is the full transfer of responsibility to a third-party vendor that assumes that particular business process for the client company. Normally, both parties enter into an agreement delineating the responsibilities of the third-party which includes hiring specialists such as web developers to perform the tasks.

4. Dedicated Team

The type is called a dedicated team. Under this cooperation, the client hires an entire team for their competence and expertise rather than an individual. This team ensures that the entire project is executed successfully.

Qualities Of A Good Remote Developer

In looking for remote web developers, competence and technical skills are already a given. They would not even get past the shortlist without qualifying for these basic skills. But to ensure a 100% success rate of the project, businesses must focus on the intangible aspects of the candidate. These intangibles are quite difficult to assess on the first few meetings, but their reactions will give you a telltale of the kind of person or employee that they are. These qualities are:

1. They must be disciplined and professional

A remote work setup is not easy. It is built on trust, reciprocity and confidence that the other will honor the time and expectations that are entrusted to them. To this, it is expected that remote web developers can deliver on time without reminders and external intervention.

2. Communication is important

Successful projects are built from constant communication and clarification from all project stakeholders. With distance becoming a slight challenge in this setup, it is crucial for the remote web developer to express itself all the time. Whenever a problem arises inform the team so adjustments can be made. Meanwhile, successes should also be relayed to create a culture of appreciation and recognition, boosting the morale of the team

3. Proactive not passive employees

Initiative is not just expressed in being active in doing tasks or suggesting new ideas for development, it also entails the receptiveness to seek guidance, support and criticisms when needed. Being open to these will provide a better working relationship among the team.

4. Work-life balance

Too much work can overload and dampen the creativity out of the remote web developers. The soon-to-be developers of the team should be able to skillfully manage its commitments, whether it's professionally or personal. These types of employees are easy to get along with compared to ones who are dead serious in doing the jobs. What’s more these occasional downtimes can improve the camaraderie and relationship among the workforce.

5. Exceptional time management

The IT industry is cut-throat and caters to various projects simultaneously. Remote web developers must be able to manage and withstand the onslaught of tasks and expectation whether it is client-end or customer-end. With the increasing demand and expectations from clients and end-users, it is essential to have web developers that can cope with the pressure and fit with the expectations internally and externally.

6. Possesses positive outlook

Web development is a tedious field. There will come a time when tasks are quite tricky, challenging, and difficult to solve. In times like this, tenacity, an open mindset, and optimism are essential to ensure that projects are delivered and deadlines are met. Remote web developers need to be resilient and optimistic that there is always a workaround across all tasks.

7. People person

It is not about who is the most skilled remote developer there is. At the end of the day, they all possess knowledge about web development. Of course, experience may vary, but if the business hires an arrogant and conceited developer who does not care about helping its teammates, it might become more difficult to accomplish anything. Always look for someone that can fit well in the team more than the contributions it can bring.

8. Maturity matters

Maturity is not about the age or years in the industry, it is more focused on professionalism - being able to embody all the traits above and ensure a harmonious working relationship with anyone regardless of race, ethnicity, age, and educational attainment. This is something that cannot be bought, it is a consistent effort to become one.

Right Way To Hire a Remote Developer in the Philippines

When looking for remote web developers in the Philippines, businesses are not just assured that it is the most cost-effective way to build a quality team, but they are investing in the 100% completion of their projects.

To better guide the management team on how to hire the best and the brightest talents at reasonable costs, below are some practical tips to follow:

1. Know your team’s web development goals and needs

Starting the search for talented remote web developers can be tricky, but what is harder is to have a clear understanding of the needs that the team needs. Posting a job ad or finding the best outstaffing company without regard to the specific skills and experience required to the project is like going to a war without bringing a weapon.

The first step is to clearly delineate all of these to provide direction to the whole team. In developing these guide, the following questions can help zero in:

  • What is the overall goal of the web development team? Will they build a new product or service, or will the scope of their responsibilities entail maintaining and enhancing the existing websites and mobile applications of the business?

  • In achieving this end, what technical skills are required? What kind of programmers and developers do we need?

  • What is the scope of the team’s work? Which part of the business will they focus on? Will they simultaneously work on various projects, or will a pilot project be emphasized?

These set of questions will help the team paint a better picture of the set of developers needed for the project. Moreover, it will dictate which third-party provider best fits their requirements.

2. Tap a reputable offshore staffing agency

Offshore staffing companies with proven experience and competency can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. They best understand the culture and specific legalities of the Philippines making it easier for multinational businesses to tap the best and the brightest talents. Moreover, they conduct a thorough vetting and credential screening of all the talent pool they have. Organizations can be assured that deployed staff have undergone thorough screening.

In fact, reputable offshore staffing agencies such as Dev Partners support its clients beyond the hiring and interview phase. The company offers upskilling to ensure that the talents they provide are up-to-date and competitive in the market. Additionally, an experienced offshore staffing agency proactively checks on the career progress of all its talents to ensure they are aligned with the goals and vision of the client company.

3. Consider all the needs of the Philippines web development team

In staffing it is essential to consider the long-term needs of the team and future projects. It is important to understand that the IT industry is constantly evolving. It upgrades every year and new skill sets are necessary to perform efficiently. To this end, it is essential to develop and hire remote web developers that have a wide set of skills and capabilities. This will enable your team to be flexible in any changes that the industry will bring.

4.Ongoing training and support is essential

Regular upskilling and refresher courses are essential. It keeps the knowledge intact in the minds of the web developers and at the same time, remains competitive in the IT industry and its latest technologies and discoveries.

There are various trainings that can be offered such as professional development, online learning resources, technical skills and soft skills. Depending on the type of engagement that you have with the remote web developers, you can alter it accordingly. For instance, if you hired an offshore outstaffing company, you can direct them to the set of training the remote web developers need, and they will arrange it. Normally, they shoulder the expenses for this upskilling as part of their competitive advantage plan.

Other learning systems can also be a good alternative. Remote web developers can just login the online credentials of the company and access all the training and courses in that account.

5. Foster a positive company culture

Just like in a normal office setting, remote web developers stay in a company where they feel valued, appreciated and welcomed. Find a partner company that has a good reputation and company culture where the remote web developers can enjoy and grow.

This entails a good work and life balance, regular recreational activities, and employee rewards program. This will keep the web developers motivated to work more and better for their own good.

For companies looking for an excellent offshore staffing agency in the Philippines with top-notch web developers at reasonable priced rates, Dev Partners is the right partner to grow with. Being in the industry for eight years, it has supported its diverse international clientele pre, during, and post-pandemic. What separates Dev Partners from the others is that they offer the following perks to their clients:

  • 2-week trial period. No payment if not satisfied.

  • Flexible work schedule; can accommodate any time zone.

  • End-to-end HR function to all outstaffed talents.

  • Charging hourly rates.

  • Fast and 100% free replacement of web developers.

To know more about Dev Partners, you may reach us through this link.

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