Steven Bustin
Steven Bustin
Dec 14, 20202 min read

Human Resiliency: Our clients, our developers in 2020

There is no question that on the client side as well as within Dev Partners, this has been a challenging year globally. We have all experienced a global pandemic the likes of which almost no humans alive today have ever experienced. The pandemic has overshadowed a plethora of natural disasters that have also affected hundreds of millions. These two tragedies have in turn negatively impacted economies and livelihoods globally. Combine these with the more normal everyday challenges we all face and what we have all accomplished together with our clients this year is nothing less than amazing. This is truly an inspiring story of resiliency and commitment by everyone.

After the initial economic slowdown at the beginning of the pandemic in March-April, businesses began to adjust in numerous manners to a new reality. Not only did WFH (work from home) become universally accepted, but the greater acceptance of and need for outsourcing software development resulted in record levels of demand in our industry. More and more developers began to work as part of established IT teams. Here at Dev Partners we have our highest level of developers working for our clients in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Some of these developers are working from our large office in Davao City and others from home in the greater Davao Area, and beyond.

Many of our clients have adapted their business and operational models to survive and even prosper. They have been impressively diligent, persistent and flexible. Our clients truly are creative, determined partners and we are grateful to be a part of their adaptive success.

At Dev Partners, we too have adapted in ways to serve our partners while keeping our employees safe and healthy. During the major lockdown in Philippines, scores of our developers volunteered to stay in the office for the duration. And by stay in the office, I mean they literally stayed there 24/7 for months while working. We kept them well fed and cared for as everyone was fully committed not only to safety, but to maintain a level of excellence in service and quality for our client partners. We are duly proud of what we have accomplished.

Today, while many countries are experiencing another wave of the pandemic as activities move indoors, we also have hope as the vaccine news has been very good. It is many months away, but there is some light at the end of this tunnel. We remain optimistic for a healthy, robust and successful 2021 as we continue to work together as a team across continents. We wish you all health, safety and success and know we continue to be all in this together.

Thank you for allowing us to be your partner.

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