It’s that time of the year for Dev Partners!

We are down for the last stretch of the year. Albeit challenging, we can’t help but feel the merriment in the air. It’s that time of the year and Dev Partners will celebrate no matter what.
In line with the celebration, we would like to commend those developers who have won the quarterly training assessments starting with the Q1 winners Arnel Ambrosio who got the highest average score of 98.17%, Mark Vanzuela with 96.83%, Mike Bengil with 95.33%, Elmer Datolayta with 94.80% and Arnaldo Jan Ubas with 94.40% average score.
The Q2 winners include Chemmy Lou Tutor with an overall score of 98.93%, Phebe Sawan with 93.22%, Dave Rotaquio with 88.62%, Mark Gocela with 87.28%, Froid Miayo with 87.11% average score.
In addition to the list of winners, these are the five individuals who had succeeded in winning the Q3 training assessments: Joebert Biñas with 82.50%, Deane Francis Goyagoy with 82.00%, Lea Marie Labagala with 81.11%, Joseph Baron with 80.84%, and Harvey Charles Pioquinto with 80.76% average score for the DevOps assessments.
Dev Partners has always been very supportive of the many training programs for employees. The company encourages everyone to participate to further enhance both professional skills and soft skills. The company also assures those who were consistent in participating in the training since the beginning of the year that they will be receiving monetary rewards as appreciation for the efforts and time in learning the new trends.
The Q4 winners will be those who will be getting the highest overall average scores from Q1 up to Q3 which is composed of the 70% of the calculation and the remaining 30% will be coming from the result of their soft skills assessment.
Dev Partners has been very grateful to all the clients for their participation in providing us their evaluations to their respective team members. Members have been evaluated and we make sure that the evaluations will be used accordingly for the future improvement of the team.